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- Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 18:22:58 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Timothy Miller <millert@undergrad.csee.usf.edu>
- Subject: Re: Digest
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- In-Reply-To: <m0qHI5i-0000P5C@progress.fb10.tu-berlin.de>
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.87.9406241858.A22568-0100000@grad>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Forget:
- )Ugly, maybe, but I'm sure it is readable to him (otherwise he would do it
- )differently). Your code, while somewhat better, seems to be missing a
- )few things:
- )
- )> case Cancel:
- )
- )Constants should be uppercase. IE: CANCEL
- )
- )> case Abandon:
- )> close;
- )>
- )> case Reload:
- )> reload;
- )
- )There are no "break" commands here?!? This means that if ABANDON was
- )selected, close, reload, save, close, save as, and close would all be
- )performed. Not a Good Thing (TM).
- All I did was reformat his code. I made no other changes, and it's
- obvious that he wasn't intending to write C code, but rather pseudo-code,
- which is fine. In that case, there is no need for break or proper
- capitalization, etc.
- And as he pointed out, this is for what happens after close, so some of
- my assumptions were wrong. Nevertheless, I didn't like the way his
- colons and semicolons cluttered his code. It was hard to read.
- Basically, I missed the point of what his code did because I was too
- preoccupied with its unreadablilty.
- You have a good spreadsheet for your Atari? Where? What's it called?
- Can you set seperate fonts, point sizes, attributes, borders, patterns,
- and numerous other things on a per-cell basis? If so, i want a copy of
- that spreadsheet.
- Ofir:
- )>And, Jee, isn't it just TOO easy to solve the whole Ctrl-A problem by
- )>changing it. Once you change that, the problems are gone.
- )
- )Nope! It's not easy because it will require modification of almost all ST
- )programs in Europe (that's the part of the world which has been following
- )standards for GUI design). I think we've had enough of this ^A nonsense.
- )We will have a vote on this as soon as Yat can sort out the prog to do it.
- You seem to be missing the point. There are two ways to fix the
- problem. Either you change the shortcut, or you change the software.
- Changing the shortcut would be EASY. Changing the software would NOT be
- easy. Which change is more catastrophic? The developer would have to
- make changes to his code that range from either putting in safety
- features or going to a different block-handling method. Why do you want
- to make the programmer do such EXTENSIVE changes to his code to save
- something as insignificalt and SELDOM USED as Ctrl-A for Select All, when
- the SIMPLE solution is to change the shortcut and get it all over with?
- Think about it. Changing the shortcut requires very little work.
- Changing anything else would be a headache for the programmer and perhaps
- even catastrophic for the user.
- If the next version of Atari Works uses a new block-handling system,
- rather than fixing the REAL problem, just to save something as damn
- stupid and insignificant as Ctrl-A, I'm NOT going to use it, and that
- goes for any other program of the sort!
- Your arguement is invalid. You complain about programmers having to make
- changes when keeping Ctrl-A would require MORE changes!
- )>MY laziness? GOOD GUI? Am I not one of the people talking about NOT
- )
- )Can we see an example of this other than endless talk about CTRL+A? I've
- )seen Edith by Annius and I wouldn't call it lazy programming.
- I'm sure Edith is a FINE piece of work, although I haven't seen it. I'm
- sure it has no (or no BIG) problem with Ctrl-A, but he had to put more
- work into the code to avoid the problems associated with Ctrl-A.
- )>Changing Ctrl-A is so much simpler and ellegant than going through all of
- )
- )It's not simple at all and would be ignored by a large number of
- )developers.
- If they're going to follow your standard (which is obviously a good thing
- to do), then they'll follow all of it. So, to avoid having every program
- with a dangerous option, you should change it to something less
- dangerous. They'll follow it. And as someone pointed out, you should
- have explanantions for your shortcut. You could have a brief statement
- about the avoidance of danger.
- Christian:
- )Another thing... Couldn't someone put up a preliminary voting system for
- )things like Control-A or the big cursor block question. If there is a clear
- )majority for one side, which will hopefully support existing standards,
- )this should settle these annoying discussions and help increase the
- )signal/noise ratio.
- Which block-system is used may be beyond the scope of this proposal, but
- since both systems will be using subsets of the SAME shortcut standard,
- we should make sure that neither one is disadvantaged in favor of the
- other or has dangerous shortcuts. In the Big-cursor system Ctrl-A can be
- dangerous, while in the other, it's merely annoying.
- Again, I ask, in cases where there are two characters assigned to a key
- (? and /, ' and ", [ and {, etc.), if there is a Ctrl-key used, can the
- two be equivalent? Like Ctrl-/ and Ctrl-? are exactly the same thing?
- So, I don't have to use Shift-Ctrl for Ctrl-?.